Between the Heavens and the Deep Blue Sea was an eco panto written, produced and performed by Spooky Beore for the IMMA eco festival. The panto was a safe and hopeful exploration of the impact of pollution on the sea, through the eyes of some of the creatures impacted by human activity. We invited two local schools, our Lady of Lourdes NS and Inchicore National School, as well as young people form Crosscare youth service to make the props and costumes (and share their thoughts on saving the sea and why its important) using recycled materials from recreate.
participants and collaborators
Spooky Beore (Helen Flanagan and Niamh Beirne), Our Lady of Lourdes National School, Inchicore National School, Crosscare Sandyford Youth Project, Kris Collendar, Lewis Kenny, Coimhe LaVelle, Almi, Andrew Edgar.
supported by IMMA and the IMMA eco Festival